Biology Activities

Parts of a Flower

Description: While studying nature, it is important to identify and label the various parts of plants. This game is a fun way to help students to identify the parts of a flower.


Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to identify the various parts of a flower, their location, properties and function.

Plant or Animal

Description: Classification is very important in all the sciences. In this activity, students explore the characteristics of plants and animals, and then match them to a Plant or Animal place on the game board. You can add pictures or characteristics to the blank Game Cards. You may wish to add versions of the Game Cards in different languages, to support children new to English.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to differentiate between the characteristics of animals and plants.

Vertebrate (Connect Four)

Description: In Biology, students learn about the features of amphibians, fish and mammals. Matching these animals to their various characteristics while playing a game helps to reinforce students’ learning in a fun way. This is a companion game to “Vertebrate Information Gap”.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to name the characteristics of various animals.

Vertebrate (Information Gap)

Description: This activity will encourage students to look at and describe the different features of various vertebrates. It will reinforce their use of descriptive language and their understanding of animals. This is a companion game to “Vertebrate Connect Four”.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to describe different features of various vertebrates.


Description: The survival game is a fun way for pupils to gain knowledge of the various dangers that a wild animal faces. The game has four animals for the pupils to choose from but they can also make their own.
There are also four Fact Cards for the pupils to record any information that they have researched during the course of this game. With TalkingPEN it is possible to record instructions and information and you can also translate the Game Cards into other languages.

Learning Outcomes: Pupils will have gained knowledge of the dangers wild animals face to survive.

Germ Warfare

Description: This game was developed for pupils to explore and learn about the basics of hygiene; how germs are transmitted, and that they can make us ill. The importance of how germs are spread has been highlighted by various campaigns to reduce the infection rate of many illnesses world wide.­  You might want to make your own variation of the game cards to reflect other hygiene issues in your environment.

Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be  aware of the basic rules of hygiene and how diseases can be transmitted.


Who Eats What ? (Connect 4 Game)

Description: We have concentrated here on animals that can be found or sighted in English woodlands. If you have very different animals in the woods or forests in your area then you can add and subtract cards. If you add different sets of animals please send them to the address below for expanding our library.
This activity can be played alongside the ’Who Eats What? Matching Game’ to give pupils a greater understanding of the food chain

Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to understand and describe the variety of foods that woodland animals eat. They can narrate their findings, describing the animals, insects and birds and their diet and habitats.

Who Eats What ? (Matching Game)

Description: We have concentrated here on animals that can be found or sighted in English woodlands. If you have very different animals in the woods or forests in your area then you can add and replace cards. 
This activity can be played alongside the 'Who Eats What? Connect Four Game' to give pupils a greater understanding of the food chain.

Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to understand and describe the variety of foods that woodland animals eat. They can narrate their findings, describing the animals, insects and birds and their diet and habitats.

Where Can You Find Me ? (Connect Four Game)

Description: We have concentrated here on animals that can be found or sighted in English playgrounds during the day. If you have a very different playground population, you will need to add and subtract cards. If you produce very different sets of animals please send them to address below for expanding our library.

Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to define and describe animals in detail, recognise common animals and insects and study their behaviour and habitats.

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