History Activities

Technology and the Wilsons

Description: This activity has been devised to examine the development of technology in the household since 1950. The matching, sequencing game encourages pupils to work collaboratively to complete their task.
Learning Outcomes: Students will have reinforced their knowledge of the most significant
changes in technology since 1950.

Slave Rebellions

Description: This Connection activity will study the two forces working towards the end of slavery: the resistance of the slaves and the political action of abolitionists and will explore the events in United States and Europe during the 18th and 19th century.

Learning Outcomes: Students will have learned about the resistance of the slaves and the political action of abolitionists towards the end of slavery.


Description: This activity based on the story of Arachne, one of the most popular Greek myth, has been designed to devise a way in which everyone in the class could participate in a retelling of the story as well as take on the flavour of a Greek play.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to demonstrate a greater understanding of the
Greek myth “Arachne” and will be able to work collaboratively.

Victorian Working Life

Description: Present day working conditions for children still cause much concern. Even though this activity examines the conditions of children working in factories in the Victorian era, it is just as relevant to children working in sweatshops all over the world today.
Learning Outcomes: Pupils will have learned about working conditions in Victorian Briton and will be able to write letters to back their opinions with facts.

Greek Gods Identity Parade

Description: This activity was created to help students gain a further understanding of the relationship between the Greek gods, their characteristics and abilities, and the reasons why they were worshipped.

Learning Outcomes: Students should be able to recall facts about each god or goddess and
will have gained a deeper understanding about their relationship with one another.

Perseus and the Gorgon

Description: This game has been devised to help students to memorise the characters and the plot of the Greek myth “Perseus and the Gorgon”. By using this activity students will gain an understanding of the basic story development and plot.

Learning Outcomes: Students will have gained an understanding of the Greek myth “Perseus and the Gorgon”, the basic story development and plot.


Antisemitism and Anne Frank

Description: Ethnic minorities have always come up against prejudice; even today many minority groups continue to suffer discrimination and oppression. However, no group has experienced such systematic destruction and dehumanisation as the Jews at the hands of the Nazis. This activity will study events in Europe mainly during the 1930s and 1940s and will explore what life would have been like in Anne Frank’s Europe.

Learning Outcomes: Students will have learned about the persecution of the Jews and the effect of this on the life of Anne Frank.

Catch the Plague

Description: The Great Plague was an epidemic that devastated London and the south east of England between 1664 and 1666. The poor conditions in towns and cities were a major cause of the disease spreading quickly. This game have been devised to consolidate student’s learning of the causes of the plague.

Learning Outcomes: Students will have broadened their understanding of the symptoms and cures of the plague.

Underlying Causes of First World War

Description: This dominoes activity helps students to gain an understanding of the underlying causes of the First World War exploring how certain aspects and causes of the war had more effect than others. The game is designed to raise discussion and to encourage more varied responses.

Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to discuss the underlying causes of WW1 and
demonstrate their understanding through linking together some of the issues.

Aztec Tributes Game

Description: The Aztecs demanded tributes from all the smaller neighbouring tribes, and this board game is designed to show how the tributary tribes became discontented with this system.  It was this discontent that in the end lead the smaller tribes to support any group of soldiers who were prepared to help them stand up to Aztecs.

Learning Outcomes: The Learning Outcome will be that students will have learned about the Aztec tributes system and gained an insight into the downfall of the Aztec Empire.

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